Service Management: MySQL

< 1 minute

Stop/Start MySQL

These commands stop and start MySQL. Run them separately.

gp mysql -stop
gp mysql -start

Restart/Reload MySQL

The restart and reload commands both issue a STOP and then START from one command. They are effectively interchangeable.

gp mysql -restart
gp mysql -reload

Get MySQL Password

Outputs the MySQL password for a specified system user.

For root user:

gp mysql -get-pass root

For the admin user:

gp mysql -get-pass admin

 For a site db user:

gp mysql -get-pass {site.url}

( replacing {site.url} with your actual site url ) 

Login to MySQL console

Grabs the specific user password and logs in to MySQL console directly. 

Log in as root user:

gp mysql -login root

Log in as admin user:

gp mysql -login admin

Log in as a site db user:

gp mysql -login {site.url}

 ( replacing {site.url} with your actual site url )  

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