The wp-config.php Location at vCanopy

< 1 minute

To keep your WordPress configuration file (wp-config.php) secure, at vCanopy it’s stored one level above your websites /htdocs folder. 

Your wp-config.php file contains your database username and password along with other information about your website. We keep it hidden and protected.

You can find it on your server here (site.url = your websites domain name):


This contains vCanopy specific configurations and so if migrating over, you will need to ensure that a second wp-configs.php is copied across inside the /htdocs folder, and if there is, delete this one, and NOT the vCanopy version.

To learn more about making edits to the wp-config.php file on your vCanopy websites and/or about checking your sites after a migration, please see this article that covers migrations, cloning, and the custom user-configs.php file which you can edit and place your own configurations into:

Migrations, Cloning, and the WordPress Configuration File (wp-config.php)


A backup of the site’s wp-config.php is stored in the following directory:


This file is generated on the initial site build. You can use this backup copy to restore wp-config.php file if it’s ever deleted by accident. You may need to edit it to match the current state of the site/server configuration. 

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