DNS Management and CNAMEs

If you’re hosting a website and don’t have access to manage the DNS, or if you manage hundreds of websites or a large multisite and need a way to handle DNS without manually changing records anytime to move to a new server with a new IP, you can use CNAMES to help solve this problem. […]

Working with the wp-config.php on vCanopy and an introduction to user-configs.php

Introduction Working with wp-config.php on vCanopy A quick intro to user-configs.php Editing user-configs.php Migrating to vCanopy and the wp-config.php file Cloning, Failover, and wp-config.php If you have a website that requires you to add custom code snippets to the wp-config.php file, on vCanopythese changes won’t persist when you migrate your website to a new server or clone […]

New Website Checklists

Introduction  In this article, we’ll take a look at the things you’ll want to have in place when you’re launching a new website on vCanopy. In a nutshell, you’re going to want an SSL certificate, transactional email (for contact form submissions, etc), your security setup, caching, and your DNS records in place. The order in […]

Migrating Websites Away from vCanopy

TABLE OF CONTENTS  Introduction Procedure for Migrating via Plugins Plugin Recommendations GP-CLI Migration Scripts Overview Using GP Migrate Away CLI Introduction If you build websites for clients, at some point you will likely need to move a site from vCanopy to another host. We understand as agencies you will need to cater to your users, […]

Temporary URLs for Migrations and Development

Introduction A common question we get asked when many users first get started on the platform is “Does vCanopy provide temporary URLs?”. The short is no we don’t, but you also don’t need them.  Many hosts do offer these, however, why use their domain when you can instead use your own brand (or even your […]