iThemes Security and vCanopy
Third-Party Software Notice Our support team cannot provide support for third-party software and services. However, if you need assistance or spot an issue with this article please post in the vCanopy Community Forum, and we will make necessary updates/improvements where needed. iThemes Security is a great free security plugin, and has probably the most generous […]
Elasticsearch and ElasticPress
Introduction Elasticsearch is a feature available to all our users on the developer plan. This is a great feature for anyone who has a site that has a lot of information, for example, a large news website or blog, a knowledgebase, or a large e-commerce store. TABLE OF CONTENTS What is Elasticsearch? Using Elasticsearch on […]
WP Feedback and Cache Purging
We recently had a user who solved a caching issue with the WP Feedback plugin and was kind enough to share that code with us, so that we could share it with the vCanopy community. They’ve also shared the post with the WP Feedback team who were very responsive and are making plans to integrate […]
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Options Page Cache Purge for WaaS/MU Subsites
Third-Party Software Notice Our support team cannot provide support for third-party software and services. However, if you need assistance or spot an issue with this article please post in the vCanopy Community Forum, and we will make necessary updates/improvements where needed. The following is another solution from one of our users, shared with the community […]
Plugins and themes we DON’T recommend (and some better alternatives)
Introduction We don’t ban any plugins on your vCanopy servers, and we never will. You are absolutely free to use the plugins you want. There are, however, some plugins that we dislike, and some that simply don’t work very well with vCanopy. These are general guidelines based on information available at the time of writing. We’ll […]
Using WP Ultimo with vCanopy
WP UItimo is a popular plugin for creating a WaaS (website as a service) website. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to set up your WP Ultimo site on vCanopy, whether it’s brand new or if you’re migrating your website in from another host. We’ve worked closely with the developer of the […]