How can I edit my local hosts file to redirect URLs
This technique can be useful for many purposes, including: Develop a serious WordPress site locally, but work with all the correct URLs for the end production domain. Test a serious WordPress site on a development server using the correct domain settings, but without the need to resolve DNS publicly. Especially useful when redeveloping an existing […]
Why do I see a different site than I’m supposed to, an SSL warning, signon.php, or too many redirects?
If you’re visiting a site and seeing a different site than expected, or an SSL warning, or a weird “Your sessions has ended”, there are a couple of scenarios for it, but it always ties back to not having a valid SSL. Below will walk you through the common scenarios and provide links to the […]
My website has encountered a critical error or looks broken, what do I do?
Sometimes a plugin or other component of your website misbehaves and triggers a critical error, or if you haven’t configured Nginx Helper but are using server cache it will make your site appear broken. If you have email set up on your website, review the email that WordPress sent you, it can contain a lot […]
What is the optimal caching strategy for vCanopy, should I run a plugin cache?
We get asked this question a lot, and the answer here is that it varies significantly. Just as no two kids are the same (as most parents with two or more kids would attest), no two sites are the same either :). What works optimally for one site, may not be optimal for another site. […]
I got an email from Let’s Encrypt about my SSL expiring, what do I do?
Let’s Encrypt sends notifications about your SSL’s and it can be an email like the following: ———— Hello, Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in 19 days (on 01 Apr 20 16:00 +0000). Please make sure to renew your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors. […]
This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
When you received this error, it typically means that you haven’t added an A record for the domain you’re trying to reach, or that it hasn’t propagated yet. First check your DNS records to make sure that they are all in place and live worldwide. You can use this website to check your A and […]