How to Install Non-WordPress Sites/Applications on vCanopy

WARNING Please do not install non-WordPress applications on servers that contain your WordPress websites as this may void the warranty of that server and interfere with our ability to serve you effectively on support. Intro We’ve debated on whether to create this article or not for some time. Technically we’re built for WordPress, and while […]

How to Change Your Servers Time Zone and Automatic Security Reboot Time

Introduction If you’d like to change the time zone and/or the time that our automatic security updates take place for your servers, this can be done quickly and easily directly inside your vCanopy account dashboard.  Below we’ll take a look at how to adjust your default time zone and security reboot time that will be […]

Diagnosing HTTP 500 / Internal Server Errors

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Quick Checks PHP Service Checks Codebase Checks: PHP and WordPress OpenLiteSpeed Specific Checks Database Checks Introduction 500 errors can be caused by a variety of different factors, but by far the most common reason is errors within the codebase of your website. There’s usually either a fatal error due to a […]

Getting Started: Choosing Your First Servers and Common Server Questions

Introduction When first getting started managing your own servers an entire world of new, incredibly cost-effective options are now open to you. This can be a little overwhelming in the beginning, and some of the common questions that you may yourself have as well include: Which provider should you use? What server size should you […]