Fix: DigitalOcean Disk Space Failed to Resize Automatically

In almost all cases, DigitalOcean will automatically take of everything when you resize your servers. On reboot, the disk is resized and Monit automatically picks up these changes. Nothing is required from you. One of the great things about them is that everything just works. They’ve done a great job of making everything seamless when you […]

Easily Connect to Your Servers with Termius

An Intro to Termius Termius is a fantastic, free SSH client that you can use to easily manage all of your servers. You connect straight to a server the typical way (ssh root@ipaddress), or you can add them into Termius to remember and easily connect to each of them again in the future in just […]

OPTIONS Requests and Nginx Servers

Introduction vCanopy allows OPTIONS requests out of the box, so plugins such as Prestoplayer will work by default on your servers. However, if you’re using a plugin that requires OPTIONS with a CDN, you may need to add a request header for it to be able to communicate with your site. This article will walk […]

Installing and Configuring New Relic for WordPress

Third-Party Software Notice Our support team cannot provide support for third-party software and services. However, if you spot an issue with this article please let us know and we will endeavor to bring it up-to-date ASAP. Introduction New Relic One is a powerful full-stack data analysis  platform for all your software’s metrics, events, and logs. Their […]

Using the vCanopy Monit Stats and Service Manager

The vCanopy stack utilizes a custom configuration of the most reliable and effective open-source tools to ensure that your sites are delivered at blazing speeds and your server is both monitored 24/7 and proactively administered. A crucial part of the stack is Monit, an open source tool that comes complete with all the features needed for […]

Additional Security Measure Whitelisting on OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)

Introduction While OpenLiteSpeed comes with a .htaccess file that supports Apache mod_rewrite rules, we recommend that you add your custom rewrite rules to the auto-generated rewrites.conf file located in: /var/www/site.url/ols/rewrites.conf Your custom rewrite rules take place before any of the vCanopy core rewrite rules are appended, and with this you can create whitelists for the […]