How to add your own custom headers on OpenLiteSpeed (or reset existing headers)
Introduction Adding your own custom headers to your WordPress websites on OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) servers is quick and simple. Each of your websites has the following directory: /var/www/site.url/ols/ Here you’ll find the headers.conf file, which is where you’ll find your website’s default security headers, and where you can add your own custom headers as well. You don’t need […]
Set Custom Expires by Type on OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)
Introduction On your OpenLiteSpeed servers, there are 2 files that you can use to override expires by type at the server level or on a per-site basis: Server level: /usr/local/lsws/conf/expires-by-type.conf Site level: /var/www/site.url/ols/expires-by-type.conf The server-level file is pre-populated with the defaults. The site-level file doesn’t exist by default. DEFAULT TIME The default time is 1 year (31535990). […]
How to Setup Snapshot Failover™ with Cloudflare
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Part 1. Setting up Snapshot Failover™ Inside vCanopy Part 2. Setting up Cloudflare Load Balancing Learn More About Cloudflare Load Balancing Introduction Snapshot Failover™ is our proprietary high availability setup that allows you to clone all of the sites on one server over to another server, and set a syncing schedule […]
How to Block Bad Bots from Your Sites/Servers
Introduction Bad bot traffic can be a huge resource hog on your servers, and some are outright malicious. They offer no value to you or your clients, and can sometimes result such high resource usage that it becomes the equivalent of a DoS attack. Fortunately, if you’ve identified a bot (by it’s user agent) that’s […]
How to Reduce Eric Jones Spam (and all the other Contact Form Spam)
Introduction I think we can all agree that whoever Eric Jones is, he’s a huge PIA. And a genius, but mostly a PIA. Recently, one of my sites started getting relentlessly hammered with “Hey, my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this…“, as well as a bunch of other junk that landed straight […]
vCanopy Nginoil – Automatically Fix Nginx Syntax Errors
Introduction vCanopy Nginoil is an optional feature that runs as a part of the nginx.service on startup. Unlike a regular start-up that runs a standard nginx -t, Nginoil has built-in functionality to detect where Nginx syntax errors are originating from and then, where possible, implement a fix that allows Nginx to successfully boot up. This […]