Service Management: Redis

Stop/Start Redis These commands stop and start Redis. Run them separately. gp redis -stop gp redis -start Restart Redis The restart command issues a STOP and then START from one command. gp redis -restart Reload Redis Reload reloads the configuration without completely stopping the service. gp redis -reload

Service Management: MySQL

Stop/Start MySQL These commands stop and start MySQL. Run them separately. gp mysql -stop gp mysql -start Restart/Reload MySQL The restart and reload commands both issue a STOP and then START from one command. They are effectively interchangeable. gp mysql -restart gp mysql -reload Get MySQL Password Outputs the MySQL password for a specified system […]


Why? No, I mean, REALLY, why? Good question, let me elaborate… currently vCanopy servers are locked down by SSH to root users only, which somewhat curtails wp-cli and leads to a few gotchas.  It means that wp-cli can only be run as the root user using the –allow-root flag with every command. This means that any file […]

Configure PHP

UPDATE Options for customizing PHP on your individual websites are now available directly inside the UI in your site customiser! We highly recommend you use the new tab inside your vCanopy account dashboard to make any PHP changes you need, but the GP CLI detailed below is all still correct for everyone who prefers working […]

Configure MySQL

Index Configuration file and using these commandsMySQL Variables binlog_expire_logs_seconds innodb_autoinc_lock_mode innodb_buffer_pool_instances innodb_buffer_pool_size innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit innodb_flush_method innodb_io_capacity innodb_io_capacity_max innodb_log_file_size join_buffer_size long_query_time max_binlog_size max_connections slow_query_log thread_handling thread_pool_high_prio_mode thread_pool_high_prio_tickets thread_pool_idle_timeout thread_pool_max_threads thread_pool_size thread_pool_stall_limit Configuration File and using these commands These changes are recorded in the mysqld.cnf which resides at the following filepath: /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf Settings configured in a mysqld.cnf are global by nature and […]

Configure Nginx

Index  ENABLE NGINX MODULES GeoIP2 Module CONFIGURE NGINX DIRECTIVES SERVERWIDE GEOIP2 CONFIGURATIONS Block/Allow countries by GeoIP2 Remove countries from GeoIP2 configuration Worker Configurations worker_connections worker_rlimit_nofile Server Name Configurations server_name_in_redirect server_name_hash_bucket_size Limits Configurations client_body_buffer_size client_body_timeout client_header_buffer_size client_header_timeout keepalive_requests keepalive_timeout large_client_header_buffers limit_req_zone reset_timedout_connection send-timeout types_hash_max_size Open File Cache Configurations open_file_cache open_file_cache_errors open_file_cache_min_uses open_file_cache_valid FastCGI Configurations fastcgi_buffering fastcgi_buffers […]