How to use the htop command to monitor system processes and resource usage

Part 1. Introduction htop is the prettier, more colorful, and slightly more up-to-date version of top. A few metrics such as steal and iowait are easier to see in top, but for most other purposes, htop may be the better tool for troubleshooting server performance issues. Here is our article on top, we’d recommend you start there and then come back […]

Useful Commands for Managing vCanopy Servers

Introduction There are commands that can come in extremely useful for managing your vCanopy servers. We use them ourselves, many of them daily, and knowing them should prove useful in your vCanopy journey. Let’s jump right in! Check Disk Space Per Website First, navigate to the directory where your websites are stored with: cd /var/www […]

Getting to know the command line: Linux CLI basics

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Part 1. A Quick Introduction to SSH Part 2. Navigation – Commands you’ll use a lot Part 3. Active Server Management Commands Part 4. Creating and editing files Part 5. Working with Compressed Files Part 6. Searching your system Part 7. Monitoring your system Part 8. Other useful commands Part 9. […]

Brotli Compression and vCanopy

Brotli is a compression algorithm developed by Google, and is supported by all major web browsers as of 2019. By default, Brotli is not enabled on vCanopy servers, however, we have the following GP-CLI commands that will allow you easily enable or disable Brotli on a per website basis: gp site {site.url} -brotli-on Enabling will […]

How to Delete System Users

Deleting a system user from your servers is simple, but needs to be done carefully. Step 1. Locate the system user you wish to delete To get started, head to your system users page: Then scroll down to the bottom and find the user that you wish to delete. If you have many system users, […]

How to change a System User Password

From time to time you may need to update the password for your system users. To get started, login to your account and click through to your system users page: Next, scroll down to the bottom and find the user that you wish to edit. If you have many system users, you can use the […]