GP CLI Quick Reference
TABLE OF CONTENTS Quick Intro Nginx PHP MySQL Redis Domain Routing Caching 6G WAF 7G WAF Modsec WAF (ModSecurity) Fail2Ban Backups GP-Cron Brotli HTTP Auth Content Security Policy (CSP) Headers Suspend/Disable a Site GP WP-CLI Sync Settings Quick Intro This article details all of the available GP CLI commands that you can run on your […]
A Guide to Monit/Slack Notifications
vCanopy has a very handy integration for Slack that will send you notifications about Monit activities, errors and warnings. We highly recommend that you take advantage of them, and you can learn how to do just that in this guide: How to set up Slack Notifications This article will focus on the actual notifications you […]
How to Increase the Disk Space of Your Google Cloud VM Instance With No Downtime
If you have a server with Google and need to increase the amount of disk space, the process is a little more involved than with most other providers where storage is included as a part of the price plan. Nothing to worry about though and this guide will walk you through to not only increase […]
Manually Configure Monit/Slack Notifications for Disk Space Warnings
vCanopy will automatically notify you once your server disk space exceeds 80% capacity. This first notification happens one time, and then another will happen if your disk spaces exceed 85% capacity. This is a good time to start looking at freeing up some space on your server. After 90%, notifications will start happening with increased […]
vCanopy Logs – How to Find Them and When to Use Them
Introduction Knowing where your logs are and what they keep track of is an important part of managing your WordPress web hosting business. In this article, we’ll take a look at where you can go to view your server logs, and when you might want to check them. Some, for example the SSL log and […]
PUT Requests for the WooCommerce API and Other Plugins
UPDATE – PUT AND DELETE REQUESTS PUT and DELETE requests are no longer blocked on Nginx servers by default, however, you may still need to configure the dav_methods outlined in this article for your website if the requires them. Introduction Modern servers do not allow for PUT or DELETE requests to be available by default. On Nginx, these aren’t […]