Snapshot Failover™ and DNS Strategy

IMPORTANT While you technically can sync more than one source server to one failover server, we strongly recommend against this. If you do go this route, please ensure that source servers do NOT contain any of the same domains as this will cause sync issues that could affect the entire failover server. Intro Snapshot Failover™ […]

vCanopy API Introduction and Postman Documentation

The vCanopy API is in BETA If you’re on the developer plan or above and would like to take part in the beta program, please send a low priority ticket to support. As with anything in beta, please do not use beta features for critical production sites/servers. Introduction The vCanopy API was officially launched on […]

Setting the CLI PHP Version

Out of the box, our default CLI PHP setting is 7.3, soon to be updated to 7.4 out of the box. However, on some older servers, this may still be set to the default of PHP 7.2. Some programs (such as Composer for example) require a higher version of CLI than the default 7.2 version […]

How to Change Your Servers Time Zone and Automatic Security Reboot Time

Introduction If you’d like to change the time zone and/or the time that our automatic security updates take place for your servers, this can be done quickly and easily directly inside your vCanopy account dashboard.  Below we’ll take a look at how to adjust your default time zone and security reboot time that will be […]

Getting Started with vCanopy OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)

TABLE OF CONTENTS  An Introduction to OLS .htaccess Restarting OLS with no downtime Caching PHP Workers Security Hardening An Introduction to OLS This article is a quick introduction to our OpenLiteSpeed stack along with links to relevant articles for more information. ABOUT OPENLITESPEED OpenLiteSpeed is the Open Source edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise. OLS […]

PHP Sockfile Variable

Introduction This article will provide some background on Nginx and PHP-FPM configuration, and specifically how sockfiles work on your Nginx servers. We’ll also look at how to create PHP specific configurations ensure any they persist when changing your websites PHP version.  Nginx, PHP-FPM and .sock Files Nginx doesn’t run its own server-side language processors for […]