A Guide to Monit/Slack Notifications

vCanopy has a very handy integration for Slack that will send you notifications about Monit activities, errors and warnings. We highly recommend that you take advantage of them, and you can learn how to do just that in this guide: How to set up Slack Notifications This article will focus on the actual notifications you […]

Troubleshooting: Custom Server Won’t Provision and is Stuck at 10%

Introduction  Having a server fail to provision can be frustrating, but hopefully the tips in this article will help you get yours up and running. Before anything else, these are generally when we see servers fail on the rare occasions that they do: 10% – We couldn’t connect to the server 25% – Nginx install […]

Fix: DigitalOcean Disk Space Failed to Resize Automatically

In almost all cases, DigitalOcean will automatically take of everything when you resize your servers. On reboot, the disk is resized and Monit automatically picks up these changes. Nothing is required from you. One of the great things about them is that everything just works. They’ve done a great job of making everything seamless when you […]

vCanopy Nginoil – Automatically Fix Nginx Syntax Errors

Introduction vCanopy Nginoil is an optional feature that runs as a part of the nginx.service on startup. Unlike a regular start-up that runs a standard nginx -t, Nginoil has built-in functionality to detect where Nginx syntax errors are originating from and then, where possible, implement a fix that allows Nginx to successfully boot up. This […]

Troubleshooting High Disk Space Usage and Locating Large Files

Introduction Occasionally, we recieve tickets about puzzling disk space usage. There’s usually a pretty simple explanation for this issue, and it’s also straightforward to get to the bottom of when you know where and how to look. This article will help you get to the bottom of these issues. Table of Contents Why Disk Space […]

Mitigating DoS and DDoS Attacks On Your WordPress Websites

Introduction DoS and DDoS attacks are rare in the grand scheme of things. There are a lot of sites on the platform, and we have a great suite of security tools, so many likely go unnoticed, or at least never come to our attention on support. Occasionally they do though, and this guide details how […]