Change Your Certbot Email
Change your email and want to make sure you still get SSL notices from Let’s Encrypt? You can change your account email with this simple command. certbot update_account –email [email protected] You’ll get a short message back and it will ask you if you want to receive their newsletter. Here is what the entire interaction looks […]
Setting up a Custom SSL
In some cases, you may want to run a custom non Let’s Encrypt based SSL. This article will walk you through how to do this on vCanopy. IMPORTANT 1. Custom SSLs are not supported by vCanopy. 2. Once you completed your setup, do NOT use our SSL toggles as this will interfere with your custom […]
Monit SSL Renewal Failure Notification in the Dashboard or Slack
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction The SSL Monitoring Logs Reviewing the Logs What Causes SSL Renewal Failures? Introduction Monit checks your SSL renewal logs once per day and if a renewal failure has occurred it will trigger a notification in your dashboard and send a notification to Slack (if you have Slack notifications enabled). Often a […]
vCanopy SSL Locks, Let’s Encrypt Rate Limiting, and What to Do if Your Website Get’s Rate Limited
In order to prevent your websites from getting rate limited by Let’s Encrypt, vCanopy has created a 3-attempt limit fail-safe that requires manual removal after 3 unsuccessful SSL attempts. This article will explain why we’ve put this in place, the steps to remove it, and how to avoid it from happening altogether. Also, you can […]
Diagnosing and Fixing SSL Certificate Issues
CONTENTS Diagnosing SSL Failures Maintenance at Let’s Encrypt, DNSME, or Cloudflare DNS Isn’t Pointing to Your Servers IP Address (Webroot method only) vCanopy SSL Locks Let’s Encrypt Rate Limiting A Wildcard SSL won’t provision You have an SSL Certificate but no Padlock Icon SSL Renewal Warnings and Failures Too Many Redirects Error SSL Error Only on www Version […]
SSL Renewals for Domains that Redirect to an Internal Page
Intro If you have a website where you’ve set up a redirect that looks like this via an Nginx configuration file: —-> This article is for you. Regular redirect domains that are added via the Site customizer will not experience the same SSL renewal errors. The Renewal Error If you’ve received an SSL […]