Using vCanopy WP-Admin Single Sign On (SSO)
vCanopy has been set up to make managing your WordPress business as convenient and fast as possible. We aim to provide the most powerful tool to enable you, to that end we have an integrated WP-Admin Single Sign On (SSO) feature that allows you to log directly in to your vCanopy deployed WordPress sites with […]
Login to your vCanopy WordPress sites as your Admin user.
To log in to a vCanopy WordPress site as your Admin User is no different than logging in to any other WordPress site. Step 1. Get your WordPress Admin User Credentials. vCanopy allows you to set a Default WordPress Admin User that will be automatically used when creating any new WordPress sites. It’s very simple to set […]
Display WordPress wp-config.php from within vCanopy.
To quickly view the contents of any of your vCanopy site’s wp-config.php file follow the following steps. Step 1. Go to the Sites Section of the vCanopy Control Panel Click on the sites link in the vCanopy main menu to see all your active vCanopy WordPress sites. Step 2. Open the Site Customization Panel for your […]
View your vCanopy Site log
Introduction When a new site is created this process and the various events that take are logged to your vCanopy Site log. This contains information such as the initial WordPress user, HTTP Authentication information, as well as information for your Staging and Canary websites as well. Sometimes you may need to look up this information, […]
Change the Site Owner (System User) of a vCanopy Site
Using System Users to deploy sites is the recommended way to deploy WordPress on vCanopy. This provides isolated sandboxes for WordPress and improves security. Additionally, System Users is the method by which SFTP access is granted (we don’t use FTP since it’s not encrypted). At some point it may be required for you to change […]
Change the PHP version of a vCanopy site
Out of the box, vCanopy’s default PHP version for new WordPress websites is PHP 7.3. However, we are PHP 7.4 ready, and this is available for all of your websites if you would like to make use of it. There’s also the option of setting PHP 7.4 as your default when creating new sites by […]